Monday, September 22, 2008

I Want To Promote YOUR Shop!!!

Hello all!!!

I am so excited to say that I am doing my first craft show in October!!! I have been wanting to do this for awhile, so I am really looking forward to this.

I am putting together some fantastic goodie bags and would love for you all to be a part of it. Unlike a typical craft show - where people go specifically to see/buy these items, I will be showing at our county's Harvest Festival - So this is a chance to get your items seen by people who would normally not know about the wonderful world of handmade goods. Your item(s) might just be the one to turn these people into handmade loving buyers!!!

As this is my first show, I don't want to get too bogged down - so I am looking to do anywhere from 5-20 goodie bags. If this is something that interests you, please post here, post in the etsy thread or send me an etsy convo.

Any amount of promos that you would like to send is fine by me!!!

Thank you all and I hope to help get your shop name out to the lovely folks in my neck of the woods!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Handmade Halloween Costume Giveaway!!!

Ok, so I normally make my kids' Halloween costumes, but due to bedrest, I just don't think I will be able to this year. So.... I am going to live vicariously through my fellow etsians and blog readers!!!

From now until Saturday, October 18th - post pictures of your handmade Halloween costumes IN THIS THREAD (can be adult, kid, pet, etc).

The winner will be randomly chosen on Sunday, October 19th (basically my 5 and 3 year olds will choose which picture they like the best). At that time I will convo the winner to let them know and also post the winner (with pictures) on my blog and on this thread.

On Sunday, October 19th, I will also post a new thread with the blog giveaway for November!!!

*October's blog giveaway is a cute clutch!!!

Product Reviewers Wanted!!! This Means YOU!!!

I am looking for people to review some of my products.

To include, but not limited to Jewelry items - necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc; Bags - clutches, catch alls, pocket mirror pouches, etc; Accessories - hair combs, chignons, etc.

All you would need to do is use the item and write a review.

Here's how it would work:
1. I will send you the item free of charge
2. You use the item consistently for a weeks time.
3. You then write a review* of the item and post the review and a picture of the item on your blog.

*This is your review and your words, but I would like it to have as much detail as possible. From delivery and aesthetic of packaging, to price (you don't pay the price, but I will let you know the sale price of the item), to the look and feel of the item (even weight if necessary, ie - earrings while worn), any comments received, etc...

4. I would then post YOUR review on my blog as well

As I am trying to promote my items and my very young etsy shop (1 month here!!!), I would prefer to use people who have higher blog traffic.

If you are genuinely interested in reviewing my products (and not just looking for free stuff), post in this etsy thread or feel free to send me an etsy convo, or even leave me a comment here on my blog. You are more than welcome to tell me which type of item you are interested in, but I will choose which product to send you.

I am wanting to do these product reviews every few weeks/once a month - so if you are not chosen this time - you are more than welcome and encouraged to stay in touch and come back when I post the next review thread!!

Thank you!!! :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Irony equals Destiny?

Wow, how ironic that my first blog has me actually drowning in fabric? I am currently trying to get 150+ pocket mirror pouches ready for the December Little Black Box and I am so overwhelmed. I have already chosen the fabric, so now I am at the cutting stage - which is not too bad... Except for the fact that I was put on partial bedrest due to an (as of yet) undiagnosable back problem. So my home studio is littered with 600 tiny fabric squares, not to meantion all of the fabric for my shop items. I think that I will go crazy if I am not able to get up and finish these things!!! I can not stand to leave projects undone for so long. And don't get me wrong, I know that I have plenty of time before these are due to go in the LBB, but seriously.... At this point - I just want to get back to creating!!! As most of us who are designers or artists or crafters will tell you - creating and making something new is part of what drives us as human beings. And to be without that ability for so long (this is week 3 for me being on partial bedrest....grrrr.....) - it just sucks some of who you are out of you.

On the plus side though, it is giving me a chance to connect with other creative aspects of my psyche. I have taken up drawing again (which I used to do all the time, I even got a scholarship in 8th grade to attened college art classes along with my regular school work). I am hardcore stuck on watercolor drawings right now. I am also creating some ACEOs, which I have never made before. So I am going back to my roots and looking to the future all at the same time. I'm kind of excited to see where all of this will take me. Regardless of anything that comes of this, I am happy that I am able to take this particular situation and turn it around for some good.

Thanks for reading my first blog entry. I hope you will stick around and see what becomes of me and my craft!!! Keep your chin up - and whatever you do, don't let yourself drown in all that fabric!!!